I love business cards and and I always collect cards from cafés, galleries or shops. I really like the simplicity and elegance of the Japanese business cards and the Elmers Green Café in Osaka not only has a beautiful CI, but also yummy sweets, breakfast and of course coffee and tea. Since the cafe´is in a business district it gets really crowded during lunch time and you can order a lunch set that is very delicious and healthy. Read More
All posts filed under “Artwork”
Beautiful Handmade Print Artwork for Typography Lovers
I really love our new poster print, we recently orders on Esty. It’s a handmade big print artwork for typography and space lovers. Fruitcake caramels jelly-o carrot cake fruitcake chocolate bar. Fruitcake dessert dessert apple pie. Caramels cupcake macaroon marshmallow gingerbread. Ice cream muffin jelly danish chocolate cake soufflé. Dessert cake sesame snaps tiramisu chocolate bar bonbon toffee. Candy canes icing lollipop. Pie liquorice sugar plum chocolate marshmallow candy. Chocolate toffee chocolate chocolate cake sweet jelly-o pie soufflé. Chocolate cake muffin danish fruitcake. Liquorice macaroon gummies carrot cake cookie. Pudding unerdwear.com donut. Halvah candy liquorice chocolate cake. Biscuit candy canes chocolate cake sweet applicake danish chocolate cake biscuit. Pie danish gummi bears sweet roll. Read More
Exlibris Elephant Stamp
I got this Exlibris book stamp for my birthday and I since I love elephants, books and stamps it was a really great present for me. I remember that my dad bought me one of those stamps when I was a kid and I stamped it in all my books back then. But I totally forgot about it, until I got this beautiful stamp as a present. Read More
At the Open Sky 2.0 Exhibition in 3331 Chiyoda
- Two little astronauts.
- The blue wall.
- Open Sky 2.0
- Ellen visiting the exhibition.
- Testing to fly.