All posts filed under “photos

Teluk Nipah, Pulau Pangkor

Teluk Nipah is a small place on Pangkor Island consisting of a handfull of guest houses, some foodstalls, souvenir shops and three minimarts. Internet access is erratic. We’re slowly recovering from our cold, tomorrow we’re going back to KL.

Night market, Ipoh

We’re on Pulau Pangkor, a small relaxed island off the West coast. Ever since we arrived we have done nothing but cough, sleep, cough, cough, sleep, and cough again. So no pictures from Pangkor yet. I believe I have never coughed as much in my whole life. Hopefully things will be getting better in the next few days.

Shanghai Hotel, Ipoh

Ipoh is the third biggest town in Malaysia which hardly gets to see any tourists but is famous for its good coffee and food, especially „tauge ayam“ – chicken with beansprouts. The Shanghai Hotel – though a bit run down – has a great location, a very friendly and helpful owner and some great architecture. But I still haven’t been able to make a really successful picture of the staircase.

Kuching cars

Normally I am not a car buff at all, but over here they seem to attract me.
Tomorrow we’ll fly back to the mainland. No idea when we’ll have internet access again.

More Kuching

Last night they had a big parade celebrating the anniversary of a famous taoist temple here in Kuching. I tried to photograph the dragon dancers, but this detail of one of the decorated trucks is the only image I like.

Breakfast! Laksa at Choon Hui Cafe (that’s a Kalimansi lime at the bottom).

Pelikan booklet

At the suggestion of Markus Schaden I made a booklet out of my Pelikan series using a rather complicated (for me) folding structure. As a result you can create your own 3-image-spreads. At first I was afraid that this might be nothing but a gimmick, but it actually works quite well. Don’t ask me how many pages I wasted printing! You get an idea how it works in this short video:

[media id=1 width=320 height=240]

Today I sent the book (my only copy!) off to Kassel for the Fotobook Festival Dummy Award 2012.


I made my first book with Blurb using images from my 22299 series. It’s a nice little book, but I didn’t allow extra space for the gutter (if the Booksmart software has a special function for this I did not see it). Especially on those spreads with one full bleed image on one page and a smaller one on the other the images are far too close to each other. I did not notice this in the layout. Ok, make it better next time. Obviously the sequencing could use some fine tuning as well.
You can preview the whole book here (On iPads it seems to show only in black and white – I don’t know why).